Is Digital Course Academy Really Worth It? Tune In To Find Out!

September 25, 2023


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Today I’m welcoming Braden, Lindsay, Lucy, and Rosemary onto the podcast because before enrolling in Digital Course Academy, they were just like Y-O-U.

They’re business owners who heard me and countless others share about our success with the online course world and thought, “Good for them, but it probably doesn’t work for me because…” you name it: 

  • I don’t have time…
  • I’m not an expert…
  • No one will listen to me…

And a million other lies that told them that creating courses is for “other” people. 

But instead of giving in to their imposter syndrome, they listened to the smaller voice in their heads that said, “but what if it DOES work for me?”

…And you know what?

These incredible business owners took a bet on themselves and enrolled in Digital Course Academy at various life and business stages and they walked away with WAY more than they could have ever imagined from an online course. 

In today’s episode of Goal Digger, you’ll hear their before, during, and after stories of Digital Course Academy, the reservations they had and why those were kicked to the curb, their biggest pieces of advice for those considering joining, and more.

Get ready to hear their testimonies and find out if DCA really IS worth the hype!!

Rosemary Lewis: Real Estate Agent

Rosemary Lewis is a real estate broker and team leader with a unique background as an elementary school teacher. Rosemary’s experience as an educator has given her a fresh perspective on real estate, relationships, and leadership. After relocating to North DFW from Chicago in 2017, she transitioned to a career in real estate, where she quickly established herself as a top performer in the industry.

She joined DCA in the Fall of 2020 and in her words, “Amy absolutely changed my life.” She launched her first course, Real Estate Bestie, shortly after and made $13,000 on her first launch! 

When asked what she’d tell someone considering taking the leap into joining DCA, Rosemary said:

“A lot of times what I guarantee what’s holding them back is fear. But what could be on the other side of fear? And I’m just here to share that on the other side, you know, I’ve done a lot of fearful things, but on the other side of fear, I’ve gained power. And I know that they’re going to be able to gain that power, too. So don’t count yourself out.”

Connect with Rosemary: In addition to her work as a team leader and broker, Rosemary is the host of The Real Estate Bestie Podcast and Eagle Talk with Team Lewis as well as the creator behind Rosemary the Realtor YouTube Channel. Follow her on Instagram here!

Braden Drake: Lawyer and Educator

Braden Drake’s first business was Braden Drake Law where, fresh out of school, he was offering 1-hour, $100 consultations to help business owners take care of the “legal stuff” in their business.

He then took Digital Course Academy and used the information he learned from his consultations as the basis for his first course, Unf*ck Your Biz, which helped people tackle their back taxes, untangle their numbers, form their LLCs, and streamline their contracts. He made about $4,000 on his first launch!

Since then, Braden has pivoted the program into a membership now called Profit Rx, your prescription to build a healthy and wealthy business. Now, his business generates 6 figures every year just through online courses and memberships, using the information he learned from Digital Course Academy!

When asked what he’d say to someone who thinks DCA won’t work for them, Braden said:

“I would say it can work if you get the right idea and you put in the work. It’s not easy. I’m not going to tell anyone that it is easy, but if you want to do it badly enough, if it’s an interesting business model for you and you think it’s going to work for your people, then you can definitely make it work for sure… And the process of launching gets a lot, lot easier.”

Connect with Braden: Braden is the host of the Unf*ck Your Biz Podcast and is the author of his debut legal and tax guide, Unf*ck Your Biz. Follow him on Instagram here!

Lindsay Williams: Wedding Pro

Lindsay scaled her custom Wedding Invitation business from $30 to $300k through a combination of personal content, putting people over profit and delivering exceptional customer service. Ultimately, she’s an example of what’s possible for her students, and she’s committed to teaching it.

Her goal is to empower Wedding Professionals to use their own voice and story to create connections. To build the confidence they need to recognize the unique value they bring, and to then share it with their customers. Through a mix of step-by-step strategies and simple content ideas, she’s her student’s biggest cheerleader and tough-love coach in her course, The Bridal Show Blueprint, which she launched after taking DCA in the Fall of 2020.

When asked what she’d say to someone about to take Digital Course Academy, Lindsay said:

“I’d tell someone going into this, don’t worry about the how, like Amy’s got you. Worry about when the thoughts come up like, ‘Who am I to do this?’, ‘I’m not an expert.’ Just switch that and say ‘Why NOT me?’ And also focus on the people that you want to serve and remember why you got that inkling in your heart to do this because I’m telling you in a most unexpected way it’ll come back around when you’re a couple years into this and you’ll see like, ‘That’s why I have this calling.’”

Connect with Lindsay: Lindsay is the host of the Build That Business Podcast and has tons of trainings to help wedding pros build their businesses. Follow her on Instagram here!

Lucy Kelly: Marketing Coach for Makers

Lucy Kelly, is the owner/artist of bel monili, where she hand-crafts jewelry and accessories using vintage and repurposed materials, including vintage earrings, chain, books, buttons, flowers, and much more. Following the success of her business, she decided to take her business to the next level by educating fellow makers on how to market their businesses. That’s when she joined DCA, in the Fall of 2019!

Her first launch for The Marketing School for Makers had a total gross revenue of $1,576, which she was thrilled with. That meant 8 people trusted her enough to purchase her course! Since then, she’s launched 13 times, and she just keeps getting better and better at it.

When asked what the best part about selling an online course is, Lindsay said: 

“You get this really great side effect of like they make money, which you want, but then they’re also really confident in themselves. They’re confident to ask a higher price for their product, which is probably still under priced because it’s handmade. They’re confident to put themselves out to apply for shows they wouldn’t have applied for. They’re confident enough to share their story and their process and their thoughts on social media to engage with other people where they weren’t doing that before. So if nothing else, it is empowering women in particular and makers to be proud of what they make and put it out into the world unapologetically and be rewarded either financially or socially for doing that.”

Connect with Lucy: Lucy is the host of the Build That Business Podcast and has tons of trainings to help makers build their businesses. Follow her on Instagram here!

Join the Digital Course Academy now and get my $1,997 partner bonus FREE when you join! 

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