
Coco’s Tie-Dye Big Girl Room

April 6, 2023


Whenever someone comes to visit our house for the first time, Coco is the official tour guide and generally, the tour begins immediately up in her bedroom — her favorite spot in the house! When we were building our home, we wanted to make sure that her room felt like hers (we also wanted to make sure that we seized the opportunity to help her actually transition out of her crib-turned-toddler bed, because that girl did not want to leave it!)

Funny story but we designed a big girl room at our old house using a lot of pieces we had accumulated over the years, hoping she would scoot and we could just use her nursery for Quinn but Coco did not want to transition. She had zero desire to get out of her beloved bed or leave behind the space she had known her entire life (and frankly, we didn’t blame her!) so Quinn lived in a makeshift “big girl room” with a pack-and-play and we just waited it out… and then we waited and waited and suddenly we realized no transition was going to happen and we just had to hope that the new house would be the move that got her excited about the change.

Our move was the perfect time to fully make the transition from a toddler room to a big girl room and we were so fortunate to partner (once again) with Pottery Barn Kids! It’s wild because we designed our nursery with PBK while I was pregnant with Coco and so to be here nearly five years later planning a room for this child who speaks in full sentences and has (strong) opinions was a whole new ballgame! Throughout our build process, we kept asking Coco what she envisioned for her room and she kept saying, “Tie-dye and pink!” I’ve gotta hand it to the girl, she stayed true to that vision the entire planning process, and my goodness, I think we matched it!

From the wallpaper mural that feels “tie-dye” but elevated to her fun house bed, her little reading nook (that she actually uses) to her toy chest decorated with her artwork, this room feels entirely Coco. It’s been amazing watching her hit new levels of independence in the space from getting dressed on her own to organizing her books (the girl takes after her father!) making her bed to storing her “treasures” in her toy chest. Sounds silly, but she sleeps the long way on her bed (horizontally) and so we’ve prevented any rolls out of it and she likes it better that way! This is her safe space, a spot she disappears to, and a place where she feels ownership and pride!

Product Links:

Wallpaper | House Bed | Side Table | Reading Chair | Sconces | Book Shelf | Dresser | Rug | Bedding | Black Out Curtains | Mirror | Star Pillow | Unicorn Wall Art  

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