Brian + Rachel – Fort Atkinson Engagement

February 19, 2016



We were sending voice texts (and lots of emojis) to one another all day as we planned out their session in snowy Wisconsin! After a series of overcast, gloomy days, these three brought the sunshine with them to Fort Atkinson and boy did we enjoy that golden light. Every winter I take off a few months to hibernate, travel, catch up on Netflix… you know, the important stuff in life! It’s been over three months since my last session but this one had me all sorts of excited! Rachel was a bridesmaid in one of my weddings a few years back (Hey, Brandon + Kristina!) and when she reached out about their wedding this summer I jumped out of my seat! First, I was just so happy for her, second, that I was available for her date and just about shouting “YES!” at my computer screen!

It’s funny, I wish I could describe the feeling of leaving a session with clients you absolutely love. I swear it’s like coming home from the best first date ever and you just want to call your best friend and tell her every detail. (I mean, clearly I haven’t been on a first date in about a decade, but you get the idea.) These three just make my heart happy (and not in the way that you feel like you just need words for a blog post, but in a real way that just lights up your life.) They are genuinely happy, in love, and they put up with cold temps and rosy cheeks without even a hint of complaint! Brian, oh Brian, I just loved watching him sneak cheek kisses to Rachel when he thought I wasn’t looking, or squeeze to sweet Blake. I looked at him with utter admiration and knew that Rachel landed a good one… Let’s just say, I can’t wait for their wedding and I hired a new assistant to help make everyone laugh, his name is Blake (and he is pictured above, being goofy and so darn adorable!)






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