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Why haven’t YOU created a digital course yet?!
Amy Porterfield and I have both made millions selling online courses, we’ve impacted tens of thousands of lives, and we’ve talked about the lifestyle, the freedom, and the effect teaching online has made not just on our lives but on our students lives too.
So, really… Why haven’t YOU done it too?
If you’re listening to this show, you’ve probably heard all of the reasons why you SHOULD create a course, but there’s still something stopping you from taking this step in your business, like what people will think of you, your fears around figuring out the tech, and more.
Listen: Amy and I KNOW you’re thinking these thoughts. In our conversation today, we want to talk through each of these reasons why you HAVEN’T created a digital course yet, and shift our perspective so that you can start to see what’s possible for you.
Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur looking to expand your offerings or someone just starting their entrepreneurial journey, this episode will help you transform your mindset around creating a digital course that quite literally could change your life and your business.
Fear #1: What Will People Think of Me?
Amy and I wanted to kick off this conversation with the number one fear we hear most from entrepreneurs… the fear of judgment from others. This fear stems from the concern of what friends, family, and even strangers will think if you suddenly start teaching a subject or sharing your expertise.
The fear of judgment can manifest in various ways. People worry about being called out online for not being expert enough or fear that others will judge them for stepping into a role of authority and expertise. This fear can be paralyzing and prevent us from taking the necessary steps to create and launch their online courses.
However, Amy provides a valuable perspective on this fear: she reminds us that the opinions of others should not hold us back from pursuing their goals and dreams. She even says, “If they’re not paying the bills, they don’t get an opinion!”
Overcoming the fear of judgment requires a shift in mindset. It involves recognizing that everyone starts somewhere and that everyone has to take risks to grow and succeed. Ultimately, Amy and I want to encourage you to focus on your own goals and aspirations rather than worrying about what others might think (because after all, they AREN’T paying your bills)!
Fear #2: There Are Already Courses On My Topic!
Are you worried about creating a course when others have already created them on your topic? Amy argues this is actually a GOOD sign!
Other courses available on your topic indicate that there is a demand for that particular subject matter. If people are willing to pay for courses on a specific topic, it means that there is a need for it and that it is working!
If you’re still worried about the competition, remember this piece of advice from Amy: “No one’s going to teach it the way you do. No one has your experiences. No one has your stories the way you’re going to tell them in order to get people to move forward.”
In other words, there may be other courses on your topic, but they don’t have YOUR course! There’s room for everyone at the table, friend.
Fear #3: It Needs To Be Perfect Before I Launch
Another fear Amy and I hear from business owners thinking about creating a course is that they think it needs to be perfect, and they need to have a big team or budget to launch.
Here’s the deal: Do you need to create a quality course that walks students through your topic step-by-step to achieve the results they want? Yes. But does it have to be perfect, with all the ‘bells and whistles’ the first time you launch? Absolutely not.
Amy’s upcoming masterclass, “Your Low-Stress, Start-To-Finish Digital Course Launch In 5 Streamlined Steps” is going to teach you everything you need to know to get started without a big team, big budget, or the constant overwhelm of “what do I do next?”
Amy’s class is where you’ll scoot up to the table and soak up a tested and proven course-launching plan from my very own mentor-turned-business-BFF, with her $80m+ course sales track record and effortless ability to teach her genius strategy to anyone at any stage of their business journey.
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