BONUS: Here’s How to Start Your Mini-Course Right Now

September 10, 2019


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What’s the best way to start something that seems a bit too overwhelming? Break. It. Down.

That’s what Amy and I are doing in this episode, Part 2 of the two part series that will help you, once and for all, know you’re ready to create a course and point you to the starting line to make your first course come to life.

If you haven’t listened to Part 1 of this series with Amy Porterfield, I want you to press pause right now and go seek out episode 290, because it is absolutely KEY to making some real change and conquering the most challenging mindset blocks if you’re considering creating a digital course.

Now in Part 2, Amy and I are walking through the idea of a MINI digital course. AKA the perfect way to dip your toe into the pool and get a feel for the water before going full swan-dive into the deep end. If course seems just too big and too much to consider right now, but you know you’re ready for something, a Workshop Course could be the BEST way to take action, start creating, and turn a little profit in the process.

And even though we are doing 2 full episodes dedicated to it, we still couldn’t fit in all of the goodness on this topic, so Amy is hosting an entirely FREE webinar that will tackle your biggest questions about starting, launching, and selling a program — Amy is THE mentor that transformed my business from being a full-time wedding photographer, trading time for money, to becoming an educator.

I told her I’d bring my people, YOU, to the training to learn from her, so save a seat next to mine and get out your pen and paper, it’s going to be good — OH and the best part? She’s sharing about her program, the one that changed my life and so if you’re looking to learn from the best and follow the blueprint that transformed my biz all those years ago, you’re gonna really wanna be there.

What is a Workshop Course?

A workshop course is a 2 hour training that you can do live or recorded that gives instant clarity or results for your students. It sounds like a live webinar, but it’s not. The difference is that people are paying to learn from you. Even if the price point is low, it creates a mindset shift and those paying to learn get results a whole lot faster.

The goal of a workshop course is to address an immediate problem that is keeping your audience stuck. You can also use a mini digital course to address a problem that’s preventing people from working with you at a deeper capacity.

For you, the course creator, a mini program or workshop course can be great proof of concept for something bigger.

You Don’t Need to Cover It All

Not ever course needs to be an A-to-Z total roadmap with a complete transformation at the end. Especially not in a mini-course.

“Most people are looking for a quick fix win. They want a win TODAY.” Giving your audience the roadmap for a quick win will make them want more from you. They’ll ask what else you have to offer.

Maybe it’s nothing yet, but if you want a little extra cash you could offer group coaching or 1-on-1 coaching for a select few at a premium price. Or take what you learned in the mini-course experience and create a larger offer down the road.

How Do You Create Enough Value?

A two-hour course needs to add enough value to make it worth someone’s hard-earned cash. So how do you know you’ve created enough value?

Reach out to some people in your audience and evaluate if the need for the results you’re promising actually exists. If you’re creating a course because you get the same questions on the topic all the time, GREAT! That is a huge indicator that people want to know the information you’re packaging into a workshop course.

What are the questions you’re asked all the time? Those answers are mini courses.

What technical skills do you need?

You know there’s a demand for what you will teach and you’ve determined how to add enough value to earn the purchase of your audience, so now you need to set it all up on the technical side.

First off, you need a way to take money. If you have an existing website, make sure you have shopping cart capabilities. It could be as simple as a PayPal account.

You also need an email service provider so you can communicate with your audience before the workshop is live and for follow-up afterward.

If you plan to do the workshop live, you need a way to go live. Amy recommends Zoom to do a live workshop and you can send that meeting room link out in advance. Or even create a private Facebook group and go live in there — it’s free.

These resources are available on a shoestring budget. The funds that you generate with this workshop course can go back into your business to up-level into your next offer.

Other Reasons Mini-Courses Are Amazing

“A mini-course gives you, the course creator, the momentum to get started. Once you do your mini-course, your foundation is set. You never have to start from scratch again.”

If you want to take baby steps and test out the waters, a mini-course is your best bet. You’ll learn what your audience will pay for. You’ll learn the basics of the technology and marketing.

Here’s my favorite tip: At the end of your live workshop mini-course, do a Q&A. Use these questions to make your next course bigger and better. A workshop course is a learning experience for everyone involved.

More from This Episode

Where did Amy’s journey in online education begin? Hint: It wasn’t a success from day one. In fact, her first course failed big time. But her story is great insight and inspiration for anyone wanting to explore digital courses as a next step (or first step) in their business. Press play on the episode above for the full conversation, and don’t forget to save your seat in Amy’s masterclass for even more in-depth conversation about digital course creation.

Want to see if this is a fit for you? Join a webinar NOW!  |  Want to see Jenna Kutcher’s BONUS for Amy’s Digital Course Academy, click here!

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  1. II have my course type in mind and I’m ready to move forward. Which platform do you recommend for hosting the course?



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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