Want More but Feel Guilty? Listen to this.

January 31, 2022


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I want you to read part of a post by Allyson Byrd. 

You are a Money Mover. You want to experience breakthroughs in your thinking. You want to discover what truly drives you. You want to dream bigger than you’ve ever dreamed. You want to make a far bigger impact. You want to stop dreaming about a 6-figure income and start achieving it… You have to be ready, though. This kind of breakthrough will feel both epic and uncomfortable. Your willingness to embrace both is what will drive you to the new reality you crave.

Does this have you fired up? Because I am SO fired up for this conversation. Allyson Byrd was a money mindset coach and business consultant, and she’s been leading entrepreneurs to scale their profits to levels they’ve only ever dreamed of. It starts with an identity shift — a breakthrough, as she wrote in that post I read you. 

Allyson Byrd herself has walked through an identity shift to become known as the Profit Accelerator, and after selling her company, that identity shifted again. I am so ready to dig into it all with her. Money mindset, identity shifts, time as currency and more.

Allyson’s Story

“The life that I live today, I am so excited and proud to live as woman that is in the top 1% of earners in North America, I really never thought this reality could be my existence. I really didn’t believe that,” Allyson began.

“I believed that one day I would escape poverty. I believed that one day I would finally have confidence in myself. I believed that one day I would be courageous. I believed that one day I would use my voice for good, but I grew up in circumstances that constantly pushed on that being and becoming a reality,” she shared.

“My dad was in prison. My mom worked three jobs to raise my sister and I, and there was so much resilience that I learned seeing my mother. There was so much tenacity, fortitude, push. I learned that as my chemical makeup, but I also learned from her to suffer. And I also learned from her to struggle as an identity.”

What Allyson said next really spoke to me: “So how I got to where I am today, is I had to break my identity with suffering. I had to break my identity that came from my community of Black people that said we were marginalized. I had to re-identify and say nothing about me as marginalized. Nothing about me is in the margin.”

What We Leave Behind

Allyson recently sold her tech company and has walked through other transformations in her life, and through it she’s learned what transformation can bring. She explained it like this: “There’s a quote that says you cannot be transformational and universally liked at the same time, that true change always leaves something or someone behind. And what I recognize in this quote, it says you leave something or someone behind, and we think it’s going to be external of us, but it’s actually inside.”

Allyson continued, “And the something that we leave behind is the stinking thinking that we cannot be, do and have it all. The something that we leave behind is that we are not enough. The something that we leave behind is that one day a program, a price, a business sell is going to define our worth. But the truth of the matter is we are of worth. We are never in the absence of our worthiness.”

“The someone that we leave behind is the old identity of who we’ve been; the small self, the less than self, the people pleasing self, the compromising self, the complicit self, the complacent self, the overwhelmed self. That’s really what we leave behind,” Allyson encouraged. 

What about imposter syndrome? That fear pops up for so many women on the brink or in the midst of transformation. Allyson said, “And people think that they’re going to step into imposter syndrome when they get successful. Like I’m not going to feel like I fit. What you’re going to feel like when you tap into that success is I always belonged here. This is where I was always meant to be. And the imposter was who I was pretending I was.”

More from Allyson Byrd

This is just the very beginning of a conversation that felt like inspiration and permission all at once. Press play to hear more from Allyson Byrd, and follow her on Instagram @iamallysonbyrd for the money mindset strategy and more.

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  1. Catherine says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVED this episode!!! Such amazing thought transforming nuggets. Just want to take a moment to thank both Allyson and Jenna for recording this podcast.



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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