Our 500th Episode: Candid Lessons Learned in Business and Podcasting

September 29, 2021


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“Until next time… Keep on digging your biggest goals.” I can’t believe I’ve said that FIVE HUNDRED TIMES!

Today marks the 500th episode of The Goal Digger Podcast. Hundreds of powerful, inspiring, encouraging guests, thousands of learning moments, and probably like a million bloopers behind the scenes, if I’m keeping it real. 

Thank you for your support of this show. This episode is a candid look back on all the lessons in life, business, and of course, podcasting, gleaned from 500 episodes of a little show that started in my garage (and now continues in my closet!) I’m pouring a glass of sparkling cider and saying cheers to YOU!

An Experiment

Starting the Goal Digger Podcast was an experiment at first. I was half-way concerned I’d run out of things to say, I really didn’t know what I was doing, but the idea reached me in the shower and I immediately texted my teammate Caitlyn and told her my idea. Just a few weeks later I was in my car recording the first episode… And now we’re at 500. I guess I haven’t run out of things to say yet. 

Now, my podcast is the number one thing I am known for. It’s become the main way I describe myself and the work I do. It started as a passion project and experiment. And now it’s like the thing I hang my hat on because I’m so proud of this show and the community that it serves. 

Power of Podcasting

Podcasting gives you the opportunity to interview experts and dream guests, it’s been a connector and in extending my platform, I get to pick the brains of people smarter than me and that is a gift! Even more than that, this podcast is an opportunity to shine a line on the legacy of the people I interview.

These interviews are this chance for people to share their heart, their experience, the good, the bad, the lessons, the things they wish they would’ve known the expertise and to highlight them in a beautiful way.

Serving before Selling

I first got the idea to start a podcast because I’d been listening to Amy Porterfield’s podcast forever, and as I entered the slow season for wedding photography, it seemed like the right time to dive into this experiment. Amy’s podcast was also evidence of how a podcast can serve an audience before, during, and after the launch of a program. 

I remember Amy was talking about one of her paid programs that she was going to launch soon, and I was like, give me the link right now. I want to buy it right now. I trust you. You’ve gotten me so many results for free. It was clear that a podcast is a tool to help serve, serve, serve and get people results for free before ever extending an invite to a paid offer, building that know/like/trust factor. 

What’s been so beautiful about the Goal Digger podcast is that it’s given me this opportunity to reach people, to serve them no matter what stage of the journey they’re at and to get them results for free, and then hopefully invite them into a paid opportunity that will make sense for them that will help them grow and take that next step.

More from this Episode

I could start an entire podcast about what I’ve learned from podcasting the last 500 episodes. I share how the show has evolved since day one, the team that supports it, the income stream it generates, and all the beautiful and wonderful ways it has opened up my life and my community for a strong, meaningful connection. 

If you want to start a podcast and carve out a space for yourself in this special audio landscape, I have a free training for you right here. I am so grateful to have your ears on the show. And until next time… You know the drill. 🙂

Thank you to our Goal Digger Sponsors

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  1. Jill Woody says:

    Jenna is so Authentic her voice is soothing and calm enough to be very understandable. I Love this podcast!



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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