5 Podcasts for Your Life

June 11, 2019


lifestyle podcast

Podcasts are the only content format that you can do hands-off and eyes-free while you’re cleaning or driving or feeding the baby or working on bookkeeping or exercising, and that’s the kind of content I can get behind! In fact, when I first got the idea to start The Goal Digger Podcast, it was a multitasking moment. I was taking a shower while listening to Amy Porterfield’s podcast when I had the fleeting thought that maybe I could start my own…

Now it’s been a couple years since that impactful idea, and as my show has grown, I’ve also subscribed to and hit play on dozens of other shows that leave me inspired, motivated, relaxed, entertained, impressed, and intrigued. The roster of shows out there is large, but that’s another thing that I love about podcasting! There’s something for every niche, every genre, everyone. So I thought I’d round up 5 of my favorite lifestyle podcasts of all time that might just cheer you on and pump you up.


Oh my goodness, I love this couple so much! John and Sherry Petersik are infectiously real and enthusiastic about home design, improvement, and just life in general in the Young House Love Has a Podcast show. They offer up some seriously heartwarming stories about their DIY projects (both the good and the bad), low-key decorating advice, captivating interviews with home pros, and all sorts of tips and ideas to simplify, update, and organize your home.

As someone whose home is my absolute sanctuary and haven, I adore hearing their tales of mess-ups and wins and hilarious missteps in the world of home design and renovating. And I get plenty of often-simple and easy-to-implement ideas to use in my own home and The Kutcher Condo! They’ve been chronicling their home reno journeys since 2007 on their blog, Young House Love, and have cranked out a couple NYT bestsellers along the way. Their ideas are brilliant, their relationship is #goals, and their energy is everything. Give ’em a listen.


Oooh, I love me some Rachel Hollis! This gal is not only a dear friend, but she’s also simultaneously a no-nonsense inspiration and loving ass-kicker to me and so many other women and entrepreneurs going after their dreams with gusto! Her sincere and heart-driven messages on the RISE podcast deliver tangible and tactical tools for improving your business and living your best life. And isn’t that what we all want?

She has some KILLER guests, too. John Maxwell, Lewis Howes, and Brendon Burchard round out the list, and her direct and compassionate way of connecting with any and all guests is so life-giving and rad to give a listen to. Rumor has it your old pal Jenna (hi!) made an appearance on episode #55, if you want a good entry point to Rachel’s show. And if you want tips, advice, and some really great stories to improve your relationship and lean into your partner more fully, check out her and her husband Dave’s podcast, RISE Together.


Does it get better than Gwyneth Paltrow? I mean, if Gwyneth’s not selling it, I’m not buying. She is just so full of grace, wisdom, and chill vibes. For real, just listening to her and her co-host Elise Loehnen, goop’s chief content officer, on The goop Podcast is like putting on a face mask, having a glass of red wine, and running a warm bubble bath. Plus, they offer up some impactful info that always leaves me wanting to expand my mindset and try new things, whether it’s a new skincare product, lifestyle shift, or wellness regimen. Or, like, a kindness revolution… They’re that good.

They connect with and interview renowned leaders, culture changers, creatives, movers, and shakers of the likes of Oprah, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Brené Brown. If that isn’t a group of women to learn from, I don’t know what is… The cohosts cover topics of all genres that we could all probably stand to learn from, including combatting perfectionism, managing stress, incorporating value into your home, and processing loneliness. If I were you, I’d hit “subscribe,” like, yesterday.


Brendon Burchard is another good friend, and you guys, this dude is the real deal. He and his wife, Denise, host their weekly show HPX podcast where they get real, raw, and vulnerable about their struggles, pull back the curtains on their branding strategies and insights, and share their efforts to curate their own “high performance experience” (hence, “HPX”).

Their whole mindset is that HPX comes from building and enjoying a more positive, lively, interconnected, and excellence-driven life while always feeling like you’re putting your best self forward. It’s about showing up, digging in, and doing the hard work now — with a smile on your face and a good ‘tude! — so you can reap the benefits for the rest of your life, and leave behind a legacy to be oh-so proud of. I just adore their conversations, realness, and peek into their lives and how they operate at such a genuine and effective level.


Okay, Melissa is SUCH a doll. She’s a bestselling author and self-help guru, and she has the most incredible Australian accent that’s like butter to your ears! The impactful message behind The Melissa Ambrosini Show is all about taking control of your life, owning your relationships, embodying your values, and taking care of YOU along the way. Just like the rest of the folks on this list, her energy is so pure and soul-centered and infectious — I could literally listen to her dish up advice and stories and tangibles all day long.

She gives it to you straight, but somehow, even if the lesson is a bit of a tough one, she wraps it up with love and warmth. I think of her as my favorite hype girl… And everyone needs a vibrant, truth-telling hype girl. Am I right?! She’s written two bestselling books, “Master Your Mean Girl” and “Open Wide,” and helps listeners to take bold action, master their mindset, and fuel their body and soul.

I hope you’ve gotten some ideas for new shows to subscribe and tune in to this week! These are all of my go-to’s for inspiring and uplifting stories and messages, and I know you’ll get something major from them, too.

And like I said, the best thing about this podcasting space is it’s ever-growing, and there’s room for every topic and genre and person who has a story to share. Are you thinking about starting your own podcast? Now’s an AWESOME time to do it, y’all.

My new course, The Podcast Lab, is ready for you to dive in! It breaks down all the things you need to know for starting a podcast, from launching and recording to scaling and monetizing. You DON’T want to miss this!

Ready to start your own Podcast?

Yes, tell me more!

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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