Why Pinterest Should Be a Priority

August 23, 2017


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When Caitlyn first jumped onto my team, she asked me a lot of questions about my business, a lot of which I awkwardly got beet red and responded with “ummm… I’m not doing that.” One of those questions was, “How is Pinterest doing for directing traffic to your site?” Wellllll, like most of my biggest learning moments in business, it was a big fat ZERO. I wasn’t even using Pinterest for my business, I was more using it for recipes, cute outfits, and designing my future dream home (that apparently has 30 rooms, 20 bathrooms, and is a bi-polar design of all white and all black!) Can anyone relate?

Fast forward to a year later

Pinterest is the #1 referral source for my business, above google, above Instagram, above everything… the best news is that I’m not spending hours upon hours on the platform each week! So let’s dive into 5 ways you can generate leads from Pinterest to your business.

Here’s the thing, we need to market where our dream clients are hanging out. For me: it’s Pinterest, Instagram, and then Facebook. Tell me: does this demographic sound similar to the one you’re out there trying to target? According to the latest stats, users are majority female mothers ages 25-44 with an average household income of 100k+… Ummmm, yup, that’s my girl. People on Pinterest statistically spend more money because they are exposed to more things, more resources, more products, and thus they are sold to more!

Pinterest isn’t social media, it’s a search engine

Wait, what? We’re all over here trying to get Instagram followers and “likes” and comments but Pinterest doesn’t operate that way. When people hop onto Pinterest, they are typing in questions, topics, and seeking out pins that fulfill their requests. Think about it, you can’t go onto Instagram and type in “Recipes with Pineapple” but you can on Pinterest.

When you start to approach it with this mentality, it becomes a lot clearer. A lot of entrepreneurs are already using SEO or Search Engine Optimization, so Pinterest works in a similar way using things like keywords and descriptions to help people find YOUR pins and then click through to YOUR site!

Think about how people currently use google – they will search for a pain point or something specific they are looking for. Now think through how a user engages with Pinterest: it’s more of a discovery form of purchasing. People on Pinterest are not necessarily there looking for a specific product. They are often there to be inspired, browsing, collecting and discovering new products/services they are interested in investing in. A future customer may not have known to search in google for you, but after being inspired on Pinterest – could have landed on your account and have now decided they need to follow/purchase.

You want to use Pinterest to grow your email list

Why? Because just like other platforms, you don’t own your followers or fans, it’s just a rented space. Therefore you want to convert people off of the platform and onto your email list. When you think about what you are pinning, you want to have a way to capture the person landing on your website whether that’s through a freebie or an “opt-in” or some sort of subscription form! You always want to have a bigger desire than simply converting traffic (which is a win) but to then capture that traffic so you can continue to serve them until you’re ready to sell to them!

You can pin different graphics to Pinterest that will connect to places where people can opt in to attain more information! These pins are priority because they are serving far bigger picture goals than just hoping someone lands on my site and reaches out to contact us.

You can collaborate and create “community” boards

One of the coolest components of Pinterest is creating a collaborative board so that you can reach other people’s audiences and vice versa. When you collaborate or share a board, you can have multiple people posting content into it. You want to choose people who serve a similar audience to you and can add value to your followers. This allows you to reach a far larger audience and exposes you to all of the contributor’s followers! It’s equally awesome because you can make a bigger impact, build a community, support one another’s followers, and grow your resource library (while not just pinning your own resources!)

Check out or even just search within Pinterest to find group boards that are in line with your target audience. Things you can look for: boards with lots of contributors, boards that are active and have fresh pins each day, and boards that cover a topic in line with your brand and product or service. If you can’t find one, start one and invite other influences in your niche to pin with you!

Pinterest can be automated

I’m sure you’re thinking: I can barely keep up with Facebook and Instagram, how can I possibly master another platform when I can’t even do the basics… Here’s the beautiful thing about Pinterest: you can automate your pins and schedule when they are posted so content can keep getting shared regardless of if you’re pinning daily or not.

Sites like Board Booster and Tailwind allow you to schedule pins throughout the week (both your own content and on brand content from others). This allows you to spend 60 min a week scheduling pins (and not stuck pinning a few times each day while your target clients are on the app).

Pinterest makes it easier to go viral

Get this, 80% of pins are repins. Think about that for a minute. Pins have the opportunity to go on autopilot because a lot of times, people are passively browsing through their feed and simply repinning things they see and therefore are spreading the word about your business for you. FREE, automated advertising with little to no effort on your part? Sign me up. Every time someone pins your pin they are exposing your pin to all of their followers as well. Your opportunity to reach people goes way up by bringing your products/images into Pinterest.

Most people are focusing on Facebook/Instagram. There’s a big opportunity here to be a front runner in your industry on this social platform. Though Pinterest has been around for awhile, I don’t believe businesses are really digging in to using this site strategically and the time to be an early adopter is now. You don’t want to have to play catch up later.

Love these tips and want to learn more about using Pinterest for your business?

Grab My Ultimate Pinterest Guide!

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  1. lisa says:

    Hi Jenna!!

    I want to start using pinterest for our business – but how does it work for video? We are wedding videographers in the LA area and I would love to get more traffic to our site this way!!

  2. Reina Floyd says:

    I saw a webinar advertised on IG. Can you share the sign up link?

  3. These tips are great! I’m just getting started with Pinterest for my niché, which is Empowerment Coach for the overwhelmed Mom.
    I’m still a little confused on how to hop onto the community board thing. And how do I actually make my posts create an interested follower?

  4. ARSHAD says:

    Jenna – love your work and advise!! Do you have any advise on how to make all the content to social flow using the various tools like Tailwind .. have you created a post on it somewhere that you can point me to?

  5. Nikki says:

    this was super helpful

  6. Heather says:

    I was just sitting at my desk thinking about how to utilize pinterest for my business and local search and your email popped up describing just that. Thanks for this, I am so excited to hear more 🙂

  7. Lucie Pierro says:

    Such great advice, thank you Jenna!

  8. […] Pinterest communities recently released (late 2018). Essentially, Pinterest is trying to become more of a social media platform by giving users more room to try and discuss the ideas they come across on the platform. (If you’re confused and thought that Pinterest is social media site, read about how Pinterest is more of a search engine than anything.) […]

  9. […] full potential is because they don’t understand what it is. Jenna Kutcher said it best – Pinterest isn’t social media, it’s a search engine.  Think of Pinterest the same way you would Google or any other search engine. Keywords and […]

  10. […] Instagram powerhouse (and let’s be honest – Girl Crush) Jenna Kutcher says: “Pinterest is the #1 referral source for my business, above google, above Instagram, […]

  11. Kerri Hruza says:

    O.M.G. you are the bomb! I finally checked you out after asking myself – so who is this Jenna Kutcher I keep hearing about LOL. You explain everything so easily … I have paralysis by analysis (and your sauce test proved that!) and FB forums have had my eyes glazing over with terms that I cannot follow. I have used Pinterest for years and could see its potential, BUT now you have explained it in a logical manner. So thank you. If only I could work out who my dream client is I would be set.

  12. Hi, I wanted to convert the traffic into a mailing list.
    I created a promoted pin / ad linking to a page with the image I pinned + form to subscribe to mailing list.
    Pinterest did not approve my ad / promoted saying it`s not allowed to direct to a lead page. So how do get traffic into mailing list?

  13. Menellia says:

    I haven’t used Pinterest intentionally for a while but needed a refresher. This was very helpful.



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I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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