What is A Mastermind & Should You Join One?

February 13, 2020


Have you ever considered joining — or leading — a mastermind? Or are you like: “Whoa, whoa, back up the bus. What is a mastermind really, anyway?!” The term is all over these days: Facebook ads, podcast episodes, all the business owners seem to be talking about masterminds. So what is a mastermind? GREAT question, my friend. A mastermind is a totally simple, totally transformative concept, all in one. It’s simply a group of peers coming together to mentor one another, solve problems together, answer each other’s questions, and get advice and inspo from the other members pursuing a collective goal.

Basically, it’s like a sorority but minus the hazing and living in tiny rooms together, plus a whole lot of lifting each other up and learning more than you could ever imagine from one another. Sooo, yeah, can you tell I’m a major fan of masterminds?! I just love, love, love this concept because I am such a strong believer in coming together in groups to learn from one another. We are all so much better unified. Truly. Have you ever heard the quote, “To go fast, go alone, to go far, go together”?

IT’S SO DANG TRUE. And I’ve seen the powers of it firsthand, tenfold, as a member of multiple masterminds and as a leader of a JK mastermind a couple of years ago. (For a sweet recap of everything I learned from leading 25 women in the Jenna Kutcher Mastermind group, tune into this epic episode of the podcast.) Masterminds have, without a doubt, changed my life and my business forever.

So if you’re on the fence, wondering if you should join a mastermind this year or even lead your own (!), let’s get into allll the benefits of masterminding!

01. You’ll gain an automatic community.

The value of finding your people — those who just GET it — is seriously irreplaceable in this business ownership world. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, budding and seasoned alike, you probably stumble through at least 32 questions a day. How to do something. What next move to make. Whether or not you should outsource. The best software to use. Are your goals ambitious enough? Are they too brazen? Are your finances in the best place? Are you tracking things well?

In a mastermind, you can bring all your questions, uncertainties, insecurities, and curiosities to the table — and be totally welcomed, understood, and supported with open arms. Masterminds bring together people in similar stages to use the power of many minds to solve problems, reach for more, and improve systems. It’s like this think-tank of people who just understand you, and is there anything more meaningful than that?

02. You’ll find new insight into your strengths.

I say this all the time because it’s true, but we so often are unaware of the depths of our genius. We may know some of our own skill sets and strengths that we possess, but being surrounded by big thinkers, action takers, and dream makers will open your eyes to so much more within yourself than you ever thought was possible. They’ll hold up a mirror to you in all the best ways, cheering on the inner genius we ALL harness.

In a mastermind, everyone comes with their struggles and preconceived notions, but I’ve seen time and time again the power of members speaking truth and light into one another, showing each other what’s truly possible. It’s unbelievable how much you can learn about yourself through the eyes of someone else — or a lot of “someone elses.” It’s a beautiful way to pull your seat up to a brilliant table and see that you, in fact, belong there.

03. It gets you out of your own head.

So often as entrepreneurs, we’re just trying to keep moving, keep things running, and continue keeping our businesses on pace. It takes a whooole lot of intentionality and discipline to step back, reevaluate our goals, and push ourselves to dream big because it requires us pausing day-to-day operations mode and going into dreaming mode. How often do you do that on your own? Maybe once a year, or twice if you’re real intentional, I’m guessing?

But in a mastermind, you’re in this group setting that’s built to stretch your ideas and goals. Hearing the feedback and dreams of others in similar places as you’re in is one of the most magical experiences. And it’ll totally get your ambition gears moving full speed ahead. You’ll feel safe, encouraged, and (most importantly) capable of going after some serious goals with your mastermind by your side, upholding you and supporting you every step of the way.

04. You’ll learn so much from other industries + experiences.

The first mastermind I joined was one for fitness professionals, even though at the time I was a full-time photographer. I did this on purpose because I wanted to step outside of the photog industry to see how other people were running their businesses. And how I could bring those practices into my own. I didn’t want to be the smartest person in the room (ha, never!) and I didn’t want to learn from people just like me. I wanted to be pushed and stretched by those who think differently than I do.

When I led the JK Mastermind, I made sure to accept women from all walks of business and life, from photographers to nutrition coaches to copywriters. While everyone had vastly different experiences and backgrounds, this actually benefitted the group as a whole. No two people approached problems the same way, had the same creative pursuits or lightbulb moments, or had identical advice. The stories and personalities that filled those rooms completely brought on this unmatchable level of insight.

05. Your perspective will shift and expand.

Hearing others’ stories of struggle and triumph firsthand in the same room does something to our hearts and minds. It’s one thing to listen to a motivational podcast as we go about our days, but it’s a whole other level sitting in a room with strong-willed, powerhouse survivors, overcomers, and leaders. That energy and environment alone are enough to bring on new ideas, a fresh perspective, and a growth mentality that is invaluable.

So, give me your honest to goodness truth: Does a mastermind sound like something you’d be into this year? I feel like if you’re looking to go to the next level in business, start a new venture, or find a like-minded community, the answer should be a HECK YES!

And the cool part is, there are masterminds of all kinds out there: virtual, in-person, mini-masterminds, and beyond. You can find one that works for you and fits into your vision, and then all you have to do is show up! When a meeting of minds happens in pursuit of becoming better, exceptional things happen. And I can’t wait to hear what happens for you!

Want the most epic lessons from my $100k-a-day biz coach?

Funny thing is, we met at a mastermind! Grab the top 3 mind-blowing secrets he taught me!

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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