Get RICH: In Business, Relationships, and Life

Jenna Kutcher 

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July 1, 2024


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Do you want to make more money in your business?! I’m willing to bet you’re nodding your head right alongside thousands of other Goal Digger listeners right now… and I’m also willing to bet you’re thinking, “Yes, Jenna… but HOW?!”

My guest today is about to prove to you that in order to Profit Bigger, you need to Live Bigger… and in order to Live Bigger? Well, you need to BELIEVE Bigger – both in yourself, your gifts, and your potential.

Marshawn Evans Daniels is a Reinvention Strategist, Influence Expert and Best-Selling Author who helps emerging & established women influencers of faith do just that: believe more so they can make more and they can ultimately GIVE more.

Featured regularly on CNN, Fox Business, and ESPN, her client roster includes HP, Home Depot, Ernst & Young, Delta, Tiffany & Co., Nike, Rolls Royce and NFL & NBA Athletes… So yea, she’s a pretty big deal!

Marshawn’s book and corresponding 100-day devotional, BELIEVE BIGGER: Discover the Path to Your Life Purpose, is all about resilience, reclaiming your life, and how God uses rejection, hardship, and unexpected circumstances to awaken something greater within… but only if you’re willing to embrace disruption.

Whether you are drowning in self-doubt and regret, feeling stuck, or sensing a shift but unable to discern what’s next, this conversation is for you. You’ll hear Marshawn outline her Purpose Map, which are the 5 Stages of Divine Reinvention, which will give you insight into your true gifts and calling and the courage to pursue it. 

By the end of this conversation, you’ll see that difficulties are not designed to devastate you, but to ignite the bigger dreams, life, love and abundance you were destined for all along. I can’t wait for you to hear it! 

Unshakable Self-Belief and “Godfidence”

Something I love about Marshawn is how she has such an unshakable belief in God, and because of that she has a vision of how she can be the best version of herself that she can be. In our conversation, she introduced the concept of “Godfidence”: a combination of understanding one’s identity, purpose, and unique qualities.

Marshawn emphasizes the importance of having a strong belief in oneself, but also recognizing that true confidence comes from a deeper connection to one’s spiritual beliefs. She highlights the significance of understanding who you are, whose you are, and how you have been uniquely made and wired by a higher power.

She explains that relying solely on one’s own abilities and confidence may lead to limitations and cracks in one’s foundation. By cultivating “Godfidence,” we can tap into a higher purpose, align with their calling, and approach life with courage and faith.

Basically, this concept encourages us to believe in something greater than ourselves, to challenge ourselves to think bigger, and to live a life aligned with our divine purpose. Can I get an Amen?!

Marshawn’s “Purpose Map”

Marshawn shared her framework called the Purpose Map, which guides individuals through five stages of divine reinvention. From discovery and talent to overcoming challenges and embracing a higher vision, the journey of divine reinvention involves shedding old identities and labels to step into a new, more authentic version of oneself.

Here is a breakdown of the five stages of the 5 stages of divine reinvention:

1. Discovery: In this stage, we learn the rules and are often influenced by societal expectations and identities imposed on us. It is a phase where we may feel unsure about who we are supposed to be.

2. Talent: The second stage involves those who are questioning who they have decided to be. It is a phase where people may feel stuck, especially after climbing various mountains such as motherhood, marriage, career, and personal achievements.

3. Resistance: This stage involves facing challenges and resistance that may come in the form of personal struggles, setbacks, or external obstacles. It is a critical phase where people must push through difficulties to grow and evolve.

4. Gap: The gap stage is the space between one’s comfort zone and the next level of growth. It is a period of transition and transformation where we may feel uncertain but must embrace change to move forward.

5. Glory Zone: The final stage represents stepping out of the gap and into one’s gifts and influence. It is a phase where we fully embrace our purpose, potential, and impact on the world.

The Purpose Map serves as a guide for people to navigate through these stages of divine reinvention, helping them understand their journey, challenges, and growth opportunities along the way. By following this framework, we can develop a deeper sense of self-awareness, resilience, and alignment with our higher calling!

Embracing Change and The Power of Sisterhood

We then delved into the importance of resilience and adapting to change. Marshawn highlighted the practice of the “inner vault,” where individuals take inventory of their wins and strengths to reinforce their self-belief.

She emphasized the power of rewriting one’s story, acknowledging past achievements, and building inner resilience to navigate challenges and uncertainties.

This can also be aided with the support of a sisterhood: supportive relationships that see the best in us and challenge us to grow.

Marshawn shared personal experiences of how her close relationships, including her sisters, have been instrumental in her journey of belief and resilience. She encourages all women to seek out friendships that uplift and empower them to step into their full potential.

This ties directly into Marshawn’s mission of helping women merge their mission, belief, faith, and prosperity. Before we closed out our conversation, she emphasized the importance of inner belief in walking into a new level of prosperity and impact. 

Personally, Marshawn’s message resonated deeply with me. It reminds me of the power of belief, resilience, and supportive relationships that have helped me navigate life’s challenges and embrace growth over the years!

It’s YOUR Turn to Believe Bigger

As we navigate life’s twists and turns, embracing change, rewriting our stories, and surrounding ourselves with supportive relationships can empower us to step into our full potential and live a life worthy of our calling. I am SO grateful for the wisdom and inspiration Marshawn shared!

If this conversation resonated with you, be sure to grab Marshawn’s book and corresponding 100-day devotional, BELIEVE BIGGER: Discover the Path to Your Life Purpose and follow her on Instagram!

Thank you to our Goal Digger Sponsors

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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