Inside the Print Shop: Less House, More Home

August 8, 2014




Head to: The Print Shop  // Instagram // Print of the Week

This week was a total refresher (although I really can’t believe it’s Friday… what?!) I needed a little time away from the computer screen… and when I say a little time, I needed a lot of time away from the screen. I disconnected as much as I possibly could in the midst of wedding season and took naps, painted, sipped coffee and even watched some TV (whoa, I know!) It felt ridiculously good to kick back and chill out and listen to my body (which has been screaming for a slow down!)  So, what’s new in the print shop this week? Well, a lot! I am so thankful for the craziness of wedding season but sometimes a girl needs to clear her head, dance to Beyonce, eat mac and cheese, and slow the heck down! This weeks print: Less House, More Home was inspired my a former bride of mine who told me her motto for their space. In a picture perfect world, we sometimes get caught up in making our home Pinterest worthy and forget to make it a cozy space where life is lived. Of course it’s fun to make our home look it’s best but don’t forget the function and the mess of living. Less house, more home. Say it with me people!

This week was a big one for me! Beyond adding five new prints to the shop, including two new florals that I am obsessing over, I did a mass print of my best sellers and they are now for sale in a local boutique in Crimson Salon and Spa! You’ve probably heard me talk about Crimson… I’m pretty much there as much as I can be. From massages to haircuts, eyebrow waxes to coffee talk, I love being there and was absolutely thrilled when we got the ball rolling on selling my watercolor prints in the shop! It’s a little surreal to see them in a commercial setting and I am totally thrilled with this whole adventure. It’s crrrraazzzyyyy, I tell ya. This whole watercolor painting journey has been purely therapeutic for me. I am learning to let go of the idea of perfection and embracing the messiness and inconsistency of watercolor. I am painting whatever my heart feels like and dancing in the sunlight while I shut down the computer and take out my brushes.

In order to say thank you for hitting over 350 orders, we are doing FREE shipping through August 10! 

 Head to: The Print Shop  // Instagram // Print of the Week


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  1. savannah says:

    Hey Jenna–wanted to snag one of your prints, but it looks like it’s still charging me shipping. Is there a special link I need to take advantage of the offer?



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I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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