Let’s just kick this off with a little thing I like to call full disclosure: I’ve been staring at my screen for 30 minutes straight. I keep trying to type something and get stuck, so I delete and type, delete and type. (It’s kind of like the ebb and flow for writers – the ones who want you to spend five important minutes of your day reading… and get something out of it.)
You see, this is how it sometimes goes when I want to write something REALLY good. I start to put tons of pressure on myself… but then that gives me anxiety … and then I feel STUCK! I would rather look at Instagram or scroll on my phone with my phone than tell you the nitty gritty of life. And feeling stuck just squashes any ounce of inspiration I might have had! (Not a pretty picture, I know.) But you know what? Today I am writing this post to you anyway.
I’m doing it because I have a message to share with you. I wish I could make it more elegant and polished, but maybe today just calls for the real, raw, “say it how it is” kind of thing. I even blogged about it: here. So here I go, babes: You can’t quit. No matter what. You are more than your circumstances, you are more than the hours you work, you are more than what society tells you, you are ENOUGH. (It’s crazy how enough you are.)
You MUST keep pushing on, even when you feel uninspired or down on yourself or just plain stuck.
These are the moments that make or break you. (Those “break” moments? That’s when I want you to cling a little tighter.) Most people will quit when things get tough. That’s why most people don’t succeed when trying to get out in the world and chase their dreams. Days will be filled with doubt and fear, questioning and exhaustion, but you know what else they will be filled with? JOY. So much joy.
Let me tell you something crazy important: YOU are not “most people.” You and your dreams deserve the sweet taste of absolute success, abundance even. For you it might look like booking your first wedding or launching your new blog, it might be selling ten of your products or creating your first Instagram post, it may be leaving that 9-5 hustle or rocking out a day at home with the kids (or pups.)
Small wins, guys, small wins. They’re what keeps us going. I host mini dance parties in my bed whenever something good happens and I usually treat myself to a glass (or bottle) of wine! So what’s it going to be for you? Celebrate the little stuff – because all those small wins will become a BIG sweet success.
So there you have it–my “not so elegant, but oh so true” Monday Motivation.
Next time you feel uninspired, move through it anyway. Just a tiny bit of momentum can move you from uninspired to feeling ready to jump in again. There will be moments when you are digging in and it feels confusing. There will be days when you question if you are really cut out for this dream chasing world. Or maybe the ideas that are just not flowing. You might even feel completely stuck at times. DON’T QUIT! KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Progress not perfection, my friends. It doesn’t matter what pace you move at, just keep moving forward, okay? Forward is forward, that’s all that matters.
Every Monday I sent out Business Tips, Motivation, Exclusive Offers, and Real Talk to my Tribe! If you would love to get a little happiness in your inbox every Monday, click here! – – –
ahhhhh I sure did need to read this today! Can relate on every level, and thanks so much for the encouragement. Yes yes yes to celebrating those little successes with a bottle of wine;)
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