How These Course Creators Built Profitable Businesses Without a Big Following

September 18, 2024


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Have you ever considered that you know something people would be willing to pay to learn? 

The truth is, you’re one step ahead of others in some area of your life and you’re perfectly positioned to help others. When I say it like that, it probably resonates right? 

But what if I told you that you were also perfectly positioned to create an online course, so you could take your knowledge, create something once, and serve many people, impacting others AND making an income. 

I believe that every single person has a digital course inside of them, they just don’t know how to get it out of them. Not everyone knows how to just START creating a digital course… I sure didn’t, which is why I chose to learn from Amy Porterfield. 

She started as a mentor to me and I was determined to become her top success story. Her teachings changed the trajectory of my life and business and years later, she’s STILL the best of the best at paving the way, not to mention she’s also one of my best friends (for real!).

I truly believe you have something INCREDIBLE to share with this world, which is why I want to introduce you to the very place I learned how to create my first course: Digital Course Academy.

Over the past several years, over 50,000 business owners (myself included!) have taken a chance on themselves and created their own courses with Amy’s proven system and experienced life-changing results.

In fact, in a moment I’m going to introduce you to 3 of those business owners: Sharon, Yesenia, and Tavia, who enrolled in Digital Course Academy, took action, and now have a reliable stream of income and REAL results with their own digital course (using what they already knew).

Today, you’ll hear their before, during, and after stories of Digital Course Academy, the reservations they had and why those were kicked to the curb, their biggest pieces of advice for those considering joining, and more.

And if they inspire you to create, launch, and sell your own course successfully, you don’t have to figure it out alone!

Enroll in Digital Course Academy before the doors close on September 28th at 7pm EST and I’ll send you my entire BONUS SUITE of resources (valued at $1,997)!

I’ve created these just for you to be able to implement Digital Course Academy *super* well. 

Now, let’s dive in to hear from these students!

Tavia’s Transformation

First up was Tavia, a birth and newborn photographer who found herself at a crossroads.

While she was living her dream, she realized that her income was directly tied to the number of photo sessions she could book. This realization sparked her interest in creating a digital course to help other photographers succeed.

Tavia started by delivering free content on Facebook Live, which helped her grow her email list. She faced the common challenge of imposter syndrome, questioning whether she was qualified to teach others. However, she pushed through and launched her first course with just six students.

What’s remarkable is that Tavia made $150,000 in her first 18 months by simply refining her approach and repeating her launch process!

She emphasized the importance of showing up consistently and learning from each launch. Tavia’s story is a testament to the fact that you don’t need a massive audience to succeed; you just need to be willing to take action and learn along the way.

Sharon’s Impact

Next, I chatted with Sharon, a family doctor who was feeling the constraints of the healthcare system!

She was overwhelmed with back-to-back consultations and realized that she wasn’t able to provide the lifestyle advice her patients needed. This led her to explore the idea of creating a digital course.

Sharon’s course focuses on helping women over 40 lower their cholesterol and reduce their risk of heart disease through a plant-based lifestyle. She faced her own challenges, including moving to a new country and navigating the complexities of launching a course.

However, she found that the Digital Course Academy provided her with a clear, step-by-step guide to creating her course.

One of the most powerful takeaways from Sharon’s story is the importance of niching down. Initially, she struggled with the idea of narrowing her focus, but once she did, she saw much better results. Sharon’s journey highlights that specificity can lead to greater impact and connection with your audience.

Yesenia’s Entrepreneurial Spirit

Finally, we heard from Yesenia, a multi-passionate entrepreneur who started her journey as an attorney. 

After launching her own law firm, she realized that she loved the strategy of growing a business more than practicing law. This realization led her to pivot and teach other moms how to launch and scale their businesses in her digital course.

Yesenia’s journey was not without its challenges. She initially hesitated to create a digital course, feeling pressure to grow her audience first. However, she soon realized that she didn’t need a massive following to make an impact. 

By leveraging her existing connections and focusing on building relationships, she was able to launch various programs, including group coaching and masterminds.

What I love about Yesenia’s story is her willingness to embrace her multi-passionate nature. She didn’t let the fear of being boxed in hold her back; instead, she explored different avenues and found success in multiple areas. Her journey is a reminder that you can pursue various interests and still create a thriving business.

The Power of Community

Throughout the episode, we discussed the importance of community and support in the journey of creating a digital course. Both Tavia and Sharon highlighted the value of connecting with others who are on a similar path.

They found accountability partners and built relationships within the Digital Course Academy community, which helped them stay motivated and inspired.

I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who understand your journey. Whether it’s through online communities, mastermind groups, or accountability pods, having a support system can make all the difference.

Overcoming Mindset Challenges

Another recurring theme in my conversations with these students was the challenge of overcoming mindset barriers. 

Imposter syndrome, fear of judgment, and the pressure to succeed can all hold us back from taking action. However, each of these business owners shared how they navigated these challenges and found the courage to move forward.

  • For Tavia, it was about recognizing that she didn’t need to be perfect; she just needed to be one step ahead of her audience.
  • On the other hand, Sharon learned to be patient and consistent, understanding that success takes time.
  • Finally, Yesenia embraced her unconventional path and refused to let others dictate her journey.

These mindset shifts are essential for anyone looking to create a digital course. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to have everything figured out before you start. You just need to take that first step and be willing to learn along the way!

The Freedom of Digital Courses

Creating a digital course is not just about the money; it’s about the impact you can make on others’ lives. Each of our guests shared how their courses have transformed not only their own lives but also the lives of their students.

Tavia shared how her course allowed her to work part-time hours while still making a significant income. Sharon emphasized the flexibility she gained by transitioning to an online business, allowing her to be present for her family during a major life change.

Yesenia echoed this sentiment, highlighting how her entrepreneurial journey has given her the freedom to design her life on her own terms. The ability to create a course that serves others while also providing you with the lifestyle you desire is a powerful motivator!

If you’ve ever thought about sharing your knowledge or expertise, now is the time to take action. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own; that’s what Digital Course Academy is for!

Enroll in Digital Course Academy before the doors close on September 28th at 7pm EST and I’ll send you my entire BONUS SUITE of resources (valued at $1,997)!

I truly believe that you have something valuable to share, and the world is waiting for you to step into your greatness. I’ll see you inside DCA!

Thank you to our Goal Digger Sponsors

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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