Unlock the Secrets to a Profitable Online Course

September 4, 2024


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Have you ever thought about creating a digital course, but you’re not sure where to start, what you really need, or how to actually make money with it? Or maybe you’re sitting on a great idea but feeling totally overwhelmed by the tech, the launch, or the marketing?

If that sounds like you, then you’re in the right place, because today’s episode is all about cutting through the noise and giving you the exact steps to create, launch, and profit from your very own online course.

You’ll get answers to all the big questions you’ve been asking—like, what tools do you need? How do you know if your idea is going to sell? And most importantly, how do you turn your knowledge into a product that people actually want to buy?

I know firsthand how powerful online courses can be, not only for growing your business but for creating more freedom in your life. And that’s why I’m so excited to dive into this topic today!

This episode was such a hit the first time my previous Podcast Producer Kylie and I aired it, that I knew we had to bring it back. Especially since my best friend and mentor Amy Porterfield is hosting a LIVE course creation bootcamp this month that will help you nail down your digital course topic, type, price, and audience growth plan in a matter of days! That’s right, Goal Digger: 

Plus, when you join through my link, I’ll give you free access to InstaEssentials, two months of done-for-you Instagram strategy, expert insights, and a toolkit to help you show up and convert, valued at $49 absolutely free! Save your seat here!

Now, let’s dive into this throwback episode with Kylie Low on what you REALLY need to create, launch and make money with an online course!

Am I Qualified Enough?

Gabriela Valdez, a member of the Goal Digger Podcast Facebook Group, posed the question: Am I qualified enough to create a course?

I absolutely love this question, and I’ll answer it with a few of my own: Have you achieved results for yourself? Have you helped someone else achieve results? That’s the starting point.

When you’re thinking about creating a course or stepping into an educator role, it’s common to experience imposter syndrome or question your expertise—this happens to everyone. After that, think about whether you’ve studied the subject, learned from others, adapted their methods to form your own approach, and dedicated time to deepening your knowledge in that field.

The good news is, you don’t need to know everything. You only need to know enough to guide someone else toward achieving their own results.

Is a Large Audience Necessary?

I often get a version of Katie Walsh Loesch’s question: What’s the ideal audience size before launching a course?

When I launched my very first program, my email list was only around 500 people. I had been slowly growing it while building my course. If I could do one thing differently, I’d have started growing my email list much sooner. 

Today, it’s my top priority and the most important metric for gauging the health of my business. It’s also the biggest driver of success in everything I do.

If you don’t have an email list yet, now is the perfect time to start. To help you, I created a free mini-course called the Zero-250 Challenge, which guides you in building a list from scratch to 250 subscribers. A solid benchmark to aim for before launching is having 250+ people on your list. While you can absolutely have success with a smaller audience, 250 is a great starting point that can make a big difference in your results.

Where Are Online Courses Headed?

Amanda Rush asked a great question: What’s the future of the online course industry?

I believe the future is moving toward more specialized, niche courses that are shorter in length. People don’t have the patience for lengthy, drawn-out content anymore—we want quick results. Personally, I’d rather invest in a one-hour masterclass that teaches me a specific skill than dive into a 50-module, eight-week program with a huge workbook.

What’s exciting about this shift toward micro-courses is that it helps build people’s confidence in their ability to follow through, apply what they’ve learned, and achieve results. That success will inspire them to keep learning and take more courses.

We’re moving away from the “everything but the kitchen sink” style of programs, and embracing shorter, focused courses that deliver faster results while boosting self-belief and confidence along the way.

What Else You’ll Learn in This Episode

What’s essential versus optional when it comes to building a course? How do you effectively market your online course? What are my best tips for pricing? I dive into all of these topics—and so much more—in this episode. Hit play to get answers to all your course creation questions.

Now, if we were having coffee together, this is the moment where I’d lean in and remind you: while we could discuss every detail of digital courses for hours, the real learning comes from doing. Like most things in life, talking about your goal is only the first step. But here’s the good news—you don’t have to navigate this journey alone!

If you’ve been waiting for a sign to finally launch your digital course, consider this it! And I know just the gal to help you do it.

In Amy Porterfield’s Bootcamp, you’ll nail down your digital course idea even if you don’t currently have one, learn how to to price it, and you’ll learn how to build an audience that’s ready to enroll when you’re ready to launch.

Sign up now and don’t forget that when you join through my link, I’ll give you free access to InstaEssentials, valued at $49 absolutely free!

Join Amy’s bootcamp and create your online course today!

Thank you to our Goal Digger Sponsors

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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