3 Tips for Transitioning to Natural Deodorant (and Why You Should)

March 29, 2019


I remember the day I downloaded the “Think Dirty” app and started scanning the products in our home like I was a bride-to-be registering for gifts at Target… except the result was that I filled an entire garbage bag with products and poured all the chemical crap down the drain only to realize that I needed to replace it… and with cleaner options.

I’ve shared a lot about our fertility journey and after our second loss, I hired a naturopathic fertility doctor who challenged me to look at what I was using in our home and more importantly, what I was putting on my skin. When I was on a mission to clean up the products we used, I’ll be honest and say deodorant was pretty far down the list of things I was planning to switch out. Deodorant may not seem like a big deal, but it’s actually one of the biggest ways you can contribute to toxic buildup in your body – or support your overall wellness. Don’t believe me?

What’s in conventional deodorant anyway?

Let’s take a closer look at a few of the harmful chemicals that are listed on conventional deodorant and antiperspirant labels – and that are also linked to several health issues (including infertility, hormone disruption, autoimmunity, and more).

  • Fragrance: Of course we all want to smell fresh + floral, but this term is a coverup for a cocktail of up to 3,000 chemicals that are linked to so many serious health issues. These synthetic, man-made scents are some of the most toxic ingredients included in skincare products (even many “natural” options!) and the FDA even allows companies to keep these formulations top secret. Smelling shower fresh from fake fragrances while wreaking havoc on your health? No, thanks.
  • Phthalates: When you apply deodorant, you want it to stay on your skin and do its job. That’s exactly what phthalates do – these chemicals create a smooth application and ensure the product and fragrance (*cough* chemical-cocktail) lasts as long as possible. But since these chemicals are known endocrine disruptors and linked to birth defects (and banned in the EU!), this is an ingredient I definitely don’t want staying on my skin.
  • Aluminum: Unfortunately, perspiration has gotten a bad rap. Enter: aluminum in antiperspirants. It prevents sweating by blocking pores, but at the expense of the health of your body and your brain.  Research has linked aluminum to detrimental diseases and heavy metal toxicity with continued exposure. Plus, it interferes with the body’s natural and necessary cleansing function (sweating!) and doesn’t allow the body to properly detox. See, sweat’s not such a bad thing after all.


With a product like deodorant, that you apply every single day (sometimes, maybe even multiple times a day) and that stays on your skin all. day. long. it’s SO important to use clean, safe ingredients (like these!) to reduce toxic exposure on your skin and in your body.

Don’t worry, even with the reality of the risks associated with conventional deodorants + antiperspirants, there are non-toxic, natural alternatives that are safe and actually WORK. While natural deodorant does work a bit differently than drugstore antiperspirants, these differences are easy to navigate once you know what to expect – and the end result is definitely worth it. If you’ve tried natural deodorant in the past without success, I’d encourage you try my favorite brand, Primally Pure along with my best transition tips/

So here are my top 3 tips to help you transition to natural deodorant – for the sake of your well-being (and unwanted B.O.!)

Swipe Less

Since natural deodorant doesn’t contain artificial fillers and synthetic chemicals, you’re applying the purest ingredients to your pits – which means the product is even more concentrated than conventional options. So simply put, less is more.

You may be used to swiping several times for complete odor control, but friends, with a non-toxic deo, this doesn’t work in your favor. 1-2 light swipes is ALL you need for all-day odor protection. Trust me. Applying only a couple of swipes also helps to prevent any possible armpit irritation or product residue on your clothing. Plus, your deodorant tube will last twice as long since a little goes a long way. Win, win!

Expect to Detox

Let’s get this one out of the way asap: sweat is a GOOD thing.  Instead of being embarrassed by a bit of sweat or stank, I want to encourage you to embrace it – at least for a little while! It’s true that after years of using traditional deodorants, your body may need some time to adjust (aka purge) from toxic buildup. A lot of people try natural deodorant and feel like they smell worse (which is actually just their body detoxing) and they end up throwing in the towel before their body adjusts to not having antiperspirant on! Give yourself a little grace period when you make the switch, I promise you’ll find your new norm quicker than you think. 

Experiencing a detox period for a couple of weeks when transitioning to natural deodorant is perfectly normal – and healthy! Instead of blocking pores to prevent sweating, natural deodorant allows the body to do what it’s naturally supposed to do. You might find you’re a bit sweatier or smellier at first, but it’s all a part of your body (and your sweat glands) coming back into balance. Trust the process, stick it out and soon enough you’ll be saying goodbye to sweat + smelly B.O. for good. Promise.

Support Your Pits

While you’re transitioning to non-toxic deodorant, there are a few things you can do to support your pits in the process! You’ll already be nourishing your delicate underarms with pure, safe ingredients topically, so here are a couple more ways to support your transition holistically:

  1. Get your sweat on (on purpose!). Regular exercise is key in helping to promote the healthy, natural removal of toxins – especially during your deo transition.
  2. Diet does make a difference. If you’re finding that unwelcome B.O. is still hanging around after a few weeks, try taking a deeper look at your diet. Minimize processed and refined foods while adding in extra leafy greens (and lots of purified water!) to support your body’s detoxification process.
  3. Prevent redness and rashes. Some pits can be sensitive to the baking soda found in natural deodorant, so be sure to warm the product slightly on the skin to reduce friction, don’t apply right after shaving (ouch!), spritz this mist to calm any inflammation, try dabbing the deo instead of swiping, and remember when applying, less is always more.

See, transitioning to natural deodorant doesn’t have to be scary. It’s a simple and powerful way to promote your health and well-being – and protect against unwanted odor. My pits are proof. Tell me, will you give it a try? Use discount code JK10 to try my absolute favorite natural deodorant by Primally Pure!


Take 10% off your entire Primally Pure order with code JK10!

Check out my 5 favorite Primally Pure products here!

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  1. […] to Pure Beginnings for the info. You can find their source information here and […]

  2. Jenna Munday says:

    I searched your website for any natural deodorant articles and I wasn’t disappointed! I have just started using a natural deodorant and I’m not sure what to think about it! The first few days my arm pits were extremely annoyed and red. Now after a little over a week it’s mainly very itchy. Your article has encouraged me a little bit! I may have been applying too much of it so I will be keeping a close eye to that and I just have to keep in mind that my body may need to adjust. I also have download that Think Dirty app. I am very curious to see what I’ll find out!

  3. […] to Pure Beginnings for the info. You can find their source information here and […]



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