The Case For Taking A Break (And The Unexpected Ways You Can Heal)

September 2, 2024


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One of the things I love most about our community is how we always keep it real about the highs and lows of entrepreneurship.

Today’s guest embodies this spirit in such a profound way. Imagine building a multiple 7-figure online business, only to step away from it all for a full year to reclaim your health and sense of self. It’s a bold move that takes immense courage, and it’s a journey that I think will resonate deeply with you as much as it did with me.

My guest today, Vanessa Lau, is a creator and entrepreneur on a mission to inspire business owners and creators to lead more authentic and fulfilling lives. Last year, she took a step back to reset, and in doing so, she redefined what success means to her. 

Vanessa’s story is a powerful reminder that sometimes the bravest thing you can do is take a break.

Now, with renewed passion and insights, she empowers fellow entrepreneurs and creators to discover their unique paths to success rather than following the conventional advice of scaling relentlessly and hustling non-stop. 

Through her newsletter, “The Creator Journal,” and her YouTube channel with over 800,000 subscribers, Vanessa shares practical advice and personal stories to help others overcome challenges and thrive in their journeys.

Today, Vanessa and I are chatting about the common traps in business and how these led to her dissolving her business for a year and how to follow your intuition if you find yourself in need of a break. 

She also shares key lessons she learned about her health, relationships, and most importantly herself when she stripped her business away from her identity, and the changes she’s made in her business this time around to avoid making the same mistakes that led to her burnout!

This conversation is about to leave you feeling inspired and empowered to protect your peace… no matter what it takes. I can’t wait for you to hear Vanessa’s insights about redefining success!

The Revelation of Peace and Self-Love

In my conversation with Vanessa, we uncovered a message that hit home: peace is an act of self-love. Let that sink in for a moment…

For Vanessa, protecting her peace isn’t just about boundaries—it’s about advocating for herself, honoring her needs, and choosing her well-being over the noise of expectations. 

It’s a powerful shift that so many of us need to hear, especially when we find ourselves stretched too thin, trying to be everything for everyone. Her realization shows how deeply interconnected peace and self-love really are, and it’s a lesson worth holding onto.

Tracing People-Pleasing Back to Childhood: Understanding the Roots

Vanessa’s story gets even more interesting as she reflects on her past. She traces her people-pleasing tendencies all the way back to her childhood, where her immigrant upbringing placed subtle but powerful pressures on her to fit in, blend in, and accommodate others. Sound familiar?

The way we adapt and shape ourselves to fit into the world around us, especially when we’re young, can follow us well into adulthood. 

Vanessa’s honesty about how this shaped her is a reminder to pause and reflect on our own pasts—because sometimes, what we’re carrying with us needs to be unpacked to make space for growth.

The Frankenstein Business and Burnout

Ever found yourself caught up in the hustle, chasing validation, and checking off boxes that society tells us equal success? Vanessa did, and she openly shared the burnout that came from it. 

She calls it her “Frankenstein business”—a patchwork of rushed decisions and people-pleasing that left her feeling out of alignment with her own values. And, guess what? It all led to burnout. 

This part of Vanessa’s journey is such a cautionary tale. When we prioritize external markers of success over our inner compass, burnout is often waiting right around the corner.

From Employee to Investor

Vanessa’s sabbatical wasn’t just a break; it was a transformation. 

She shifted from what she calls the “employee mindset” to an “investor mindset,” meaning she stopped trading her time for short-term wins and started investing in the long game—her values, her passions, and her well-being. 

With this mindset shift, patience and discipline became her guides, allowing her to create a business and life that were more aligned with who she truly is, not who she thought she needed to be.

Rediscovering Purpose: The Power of Boredom and Reflection

Now, here’s something I found fascinating—Vanessa talked about how boredom during her sabbatical was a gift. Yep, boredom! 

She said those quiet moments gave her the space to reflect on her purpose and reconnect with the meaningful work that fuels her. This part of her recovery journey reminds us that purpose isn’t something we find once and then forget about.

It evolves with us, especially when we give ourselves the space to slow down, breathe, and listen to what we really want.

A Testament to Self-Awareness, Self-Love, and Resilience

Vanessa’s story isn’t just about business; it’s about the deep, inner work that goes into creating a life aligned with our values. It’s a journey of reinvention, self-awareness, and resilience. 

Her transformation is proof that when we prioritize peace, protect our energy, and embrace authenticity, we create a foundation for not only sustainable success but a more fulfilling life.

What I learned from speaking with Vanessa is that peace is one of the greatest acts of self-love, and when we prioritize it, everything else starts to fall into place. 

Thank you to our Goal Digger Sponsors

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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