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Coffee, Nap, Macaroni, Rinse, Repeat

April 9, 2014


Yesterday I turned 26 and it was a day filled with feeling loved, celebrated, and pampered. My amazing husband surprised me with a spa day (my first ever) and it felt amazing to relax for a day! After the spa we went and stuffer ourselves with sushi and then looked at new couches (I know, so romantic!) My day was filled with the things I love most and it got me thinking… if I had to rename my blog, it would probably sound something like this: Coffee, Nap, Macaroni, Rinse, Repeat. Okay, that might be the worst title ever, but if I could throw in more adjectives that help describe my life and this little online journal of it they would be: yoga pants, pup snuggling, CrossFitting, giggling, bed head blonde. Again, it’s a good thing I am not renaming this space because it wouldn’t be pretty or sophisticated.



The best part of this whole thing? It’s mine and I can say what I want to say and share my life with whoever is willing to read about it. This space has transformed my business and my life over the past year in a way that I wasn’t expecting. As soon as I started opening up my life to the world, the world accepted me with open arms (and big cozy hugs.) There wasn’t this facade that life was glamorous and perfect all of the time, in fact, the more real I got, the more people started following. 

Fun fact: I publish three blog posts a day for various things, ay yi yi. It’s a good thing I like this blog world. Blogging is a lot of work, it’s a lot of inner reflection, prepping, and scheduling. It’s opening up parts of your life to share with others in hopes that someone out there can relate. It’s being raw, real, and authentic with yourself and others. It’s fun, it’s tiring, it’s wild, and it’s transforming. Someday I want to make a little book of my blog posts, so that I can remember these thoughts at this time in my life when I am young and wild and free. Blogging isn’t for everyone, in fact, I would say that it isn’t for the mass majority of people out there – let’s be honest, we don’t want to read bitter posts about how crappy life is or wordy posts about why oil pulling is the best thing ever. In fact, I feel like you can totally tell when someone is disingenuous on their blog or they are writing fluff just because they feel they have to. The truth of the matter is? I fill this blog with the things I love, which is why if I ever had to change it’s name it would probably sound a little something like the title of this blog post. (Thank your lucky stars that I don’t have to change it, will ya?)

I get asked a lot about why I do this, why it is important to me. Truth be told, it’s a little bit like a diary to me (where I leave some of the juicy stuff out – you’ll thank me later.) It’s a piece of my soul and a way for me to express myself beyond photos. It gets people interested, keeps people reading, and allows me to stay front of mind when a pretty diamond rock graces the finger of someone you know and you can’t help but tell them about this crazy photographer who eats macaroni every week and takes a lot of naps. Honestly, this blog has helped me attract the kind of people I want in my life – the ones who agree that life is sometimes a bit messy but even in the mess it is incredibly beautiful. The coolest thing about this whole blog world is that there are people like you in it. People who love to read, interact, be a part of this life, and support. So thank you for reading my ramblings and musings about all things crazy, including coffee and macaroni (shapes, of course!) You make me want to rinse and repeat every single day so that I can continue to share this mighty adventure called life.



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