I'm a girl who took a $300 Craigslist camera and turned it into a million dollar empire. I love yoga pants, mac and cheese, and working from home with my dogs in my lap. My mission? To help others own their awesome and do what they love every darn day!
How to Navigate the Tough Seasons of an Entrepreneur
August 7, 2017
Hey Goal Diggers, this week I’ve joined forces with the wonderful Rhiannon Bosse, a passionate businesswoman who is striving to make those around her always feel loved. She is the founder and driving force behind the Rhiannon Bosse brand which has two distinct facets; a wedding planning and design firm, and a lifestyle blog both started in 2009.
In this episode, we talk a little less about the business side of being a creative entrepreneur and a little more about the personal, hard moments of being in the creative industry. This episode feels like a chat with a girlfriend that reminds you are NOT alone in whatever battle you are facing.
Ways to Find TRUE Community In the Social Media world:
1) Reach out when you feel genuine connection
2) Pick up the phone! Don’t hide behind likes and comments!
3) Don’t sugarcoat everything you post- some seasons of life are hard! Maybe someone out there is going through something similar.
4) You can be kind and supportive of other entrepreneurs without sacrificing what you worked hard for.
5) Avoid “entitlement” when reaching out.
6) Show who you ARE- true connection rarely comes from perfectly styled photos and bland captions!
7) Don’t limit your “community” to people solely in your industry
Methods to Find Balance and Peace with Social Media:
1) Ditch the “unfollower” apps!
2) Put it all into perspective (compare your woes to people facing homelessness, illness, etc.)
3) Make sure the effort and thought you are dedicating to social media is reflective to your priorities
4) Remember, instagram is a TOOL as well as a social media app! Sometimes you have to prioritize business over popularity! That said, business success and popularity are not mutually exclusive
5) Be yourself to gain an authentic tribe. Don’t fret the unfollows!
This is such a valuable episode, gang. While this conversation is more personal and hardship focused than most Goal Digger episodes, the topics discussed can truly impact your business and more importantly, your life! We talk some very difficult, very raw topics in this podcast: self-doubt, burnout, relationship woes, and out of whack priorities. In the moments of hardship with owning a business, this episode is a great reminder that YOU are NOT alone.
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).
Our conversation was a highlight of my week (actually, my month).. I’m honored you asked me be to be a part of this with you and hope our time together blessed others. Thank you again.
Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!
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Join over 1 million followers on Instagram, where I'm your mom friend with the garden who also runs a multi-million dollar business and bakes sourdough and dresses up with my toddlers between podcast episodes.
Our conversation was a highlight of my week (actually, my month).. I’m honored you asked me be to be a part of this with you and hope our time together blessed others. Thank you again.
Love, Rhiannon
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I needed to hear this. Thank you. Thank you. Truly.