You Can’t Make Everyone Happy

Jenna Kutcher 

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March 27, 2015




In business, in life, in love, we are innately people pleasers. We go through life trying not to ruffle feathers, trying to convince everyone that we are awesome and likable, and in our attempts to gain the worlds acceptance, we can lose ourselves. I stumbled upon this quote on Pinterest (author unknown) and I giggled and then really thought about the truth: You can’t make everyone happy, you aren’t Nutella. One, I love that dang hazelnut spread (and it seriously goes well with just about anything) and two, I am a people pleaser to the core. We can’t go through life conforming in order to gain acceptance, we just can’t. You know that quote about how a lion doesn’t lose sleep over the opinion of a sheep, yeah. Do that. Don’t let people command your life, don’t chase everyone else’s dreams, don’t try and blend in. You weren’t born to do that, you were made to stand out.

This past week I’ve spent hours after hours personally coaching and mentoring the participants of the first ever Jenna Kutcher Course. This is a group of women, ladybosses, people who want to change the world, and yet the common thread in all of this is that we are afraid to get out and chase our dreams. It’s like we are all waiting for permission that we should move or we need validation that we can do it. I’ve fallen victim and I’m tired of it, I want to have a business that is centered around me: imperfect, beautiful, driven, strong, and unapologetic. I want to attract and repel, attract and repel (I repeated this to remind myself: we must attract and repel.) If we are out there trying to please everyone, we are truthfully pleasing nobody and I’m done with that, you should be too.

What if we all just got out of our own heads and did the things our heart is telling us to do? What if we got brave enough to stick one imperfect foot in front of the other? What if we believed at the core of our being that imperfect action makes things happen? What if we finally stepped off the shore and dove into the water? Here’s the thing: I’m ready, I’m more ready than I ever have been. I believe in making waves, I believe in chasing dreams, I believe in encouraging others, and I truly believe done is better than perfect. If you’re struggling with where to go or what to do, I want you to do one thing: follow your bliss. You can’t make everyone happy, you won’t. Even hazelnut spread won’t make everyone happy and that thought alone makes me want to cry. Let’s get out and do the things we’ve been wanting to, who are we to sit back and wait? We have one life to live, one precious life to fill. How will you spend your days? Worrying about the opinions of others or showing the world who you are and what you have to offer! Let’s make waves, baby, let’s make waves (and let’s eat some chocolatey goodness along the way, too! Okay? Okay.)

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A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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