Shout It From The Rooftops: Thanks

November 27, 2014



Shout it from the rooftops, what are you thankful for? It’s a day where people are posting the things they are thankful for and to be honest, it’s refreshing to see a feed filled with happy thoughts and kind words. While I truly believe everyday is a good day for giving thanks, today is a special one where we get to disconnect a bit, fill our bellies, and spend time with the people we love. This time of year can also be extremely hard for people who have lost loved ones, experienced hardship, or are dealing with health, so while you give thanks for all you have, it’s important to also think of what you can give to others. You know, thanksgiving? While a piece of my heart will always be in Minnesota with my family, I am blessed to spend this holiday with my in-laws all snuggled up on the couch in sweatpants.

I am so very thankful for this corner of the web, for the support I have been given in chasing my dreams, for every day that I get to work from home with my pups and for the people I have encountered in this business. I am grateful to have a job that doesn’t always feel like work and that allows me to capture moments and create memories. I am extremely thankful for a husband and family who encourage me to continue to chase my dreams and people who want me to reach my potential! Drew and I have always held the routine of saying three things we are thankful for before going to bed. While we try to not do repeats every night, we realize that we are truly blessed to have even the simplest of things in our lives. From our health to our families, jobs we love to snuggly pups, a roof to sleep under and food in the pantry, we truly feel lucky, blessed, and bold in our thanksgiving. I pray that today you feel love, today you recognize the good in your life, and today you move towards the direction of your dreams!

As a former big box retail employee, I also encourage you to shop local and small this holiday season! Support the artists, makers, movers, and shakers of your communities and spread the joy to those who are chasing their dreams! To encourage this, please enjoy FREE SHIPPING in the print shop! Just click hear and start your Christmas wish list (and don’t forget, the prints and products make killer, unique gifts!)

Head to: The Print Shop 



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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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