
December 7, 2012


my journey as a not-so-great housewife 

“of all the home remedies, a good wife is best.”


i wish i could boldly tell you that i always have dinner on the table when drew comes home, fresh made cuisines with properly portioned amounts of fruits, veggies, and other fanciful feasts. but we all know that isn’t true, trust me, some days i am a crumby wife. if you were to open our pantry, i could quickly point out the ingredients to the five meals we eat on repeat every week… over and over and over again. yes, macaroni and cheese is on that list – and yes, that homestyle stuff is a-maz-ing. it’s funny how we have now been married almost a year and a half, where the heck did time go? i watch my brides statuses go through milestone countdowns in anticipation for their wedding day, each one proclaiming the number of days until they become a wife… but then what? then you settle into the mundane (but often times crazy lovely) life of newlyweds and the countdowns stop and the casseroles start? not quite. 

today i worked out at a gym where i am the youngster by about forty years, then hit up the supermarket to fill my cart with the same ingredients we get every time, final stop was at a craft store to buy the supplies to begin knitting – is this what it feels to be a housewife? ha, i wish. as i sat at home with a glass of wine, two snuggly pups, and a knitting project that i have yet to figure out what it will become, i realized that it’s been far too long since i just sat. i have to give my hubby some major props, here is a man who married me, who loves me and celebrates with me at my best and consoles me at my worst. a man who still loves me when i am unshowered and working from bed when he gets home after a day of hustle on the job, a man who loves to vacuum more than i ever will and who can make a mean cocktail, who doesn’t yell when i don’t put the peanut butter cap on tight. 

one of the things i am looking forward to this winter is being a better wife. not interrupting our meal to email a client, or running off every single weekend on shoots and weddings only to come home exhausted, a wife that cooks more than the five meals we eat every single week. switching from a corporate america schedule to a “i work from home in my pjs” life was a bigger transition then i had ever expected. a glorious one, don’t get me wrong in the least but a transition none the less. no longer was i up at the crack of dawn to shower, get dressed and hit the road, now i stay in bed until drew is all dressed and ready to go out the door. i still work as many hours as i did, they just look a heck of a lot different than the corporate swing of things. even though i am home all day, i am still working. i don’t always clean my dishes after lunch and the laundry usually waits until the weekend, the dogs do get their daily walk and i always seem to get the mail but leave it in a pile on the counter. most days i make the bed when i finally crawl out of it at 2pm… you get the point. i am not always a killer wife.

dear drew,  

i am sorry, i really am. sometimes i get too caught up in my work, too passionate, and too sidetracked. i don’t always put it away when you walk in the door and some days i forget to get up and greet you when you finally come home from a long day. i know you don’t always know what i am talking about when i buy new gear, but you never question it. this off season i plan to be much more intentional with my wife duties. i will try not to always bore you with the tales of my amazing clients and shoots, but instead ask about what is happening with you and your job. 

i promise to hold mental countdowns until our next date and get all dressed up to prove that i do wear makeup somedays. i will cook a few new meals and explore a little more outside of the mac and cheese regime. i will clean up after myself better and try not to allow my clothes to pile up. i will plan out our vacations as diligently as i planned our wedding to make sure it is a perfect getaway from the world.

i will always leave my cell phone in the car on date night so that i can stare into your eyes and will diligently try to train the pups to sleep in their own bed so that we can have ours. i will go out of my way to send you sweet messages and tell you every night what i admire in you. i will never stop asking you what three things you are thankful for before you fall asleep and i will always pray with you, even if you are snoring. i will always stand in the window with a pup in each arm and wave goodbye as you head out to work. being married to you in an honor that i often take for granted, but you have stuck with me through one crazy year being my number one cheerleader and my rock. now, i will attempt to be a better housewife for you, even though i know you will love me if it doesn’t work. you are pretty amazing, mr. kutcher. 

xo, jenna leigh

what is your secret to being a great wife? 

Enhanced by Zemanta

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