Goal Digger Episode 022: The Key to Compelling Copy with Nikki Elledge Brown

February 13, 2017


Today I get to interview the incredible Nikki Elledge Brown. Nikki is an educator, a copywriter, a fellow podcaster and a true inspiration. I am so excited to be talking all about writing compelling copy with the girl who knows it best! Take a minute to grab my free guide to writing a compelling “About Me” page right here.


Nikki’s background is in Communication studies and she has a strong history in teaching, at grad school, the local community college and also by facilitating online courses (1:52).

“I always loved facilitating those ‘light bulb’ moments” (2:10)

What drew Nikki to online teaching was the fact that she knew she wanted to have children and be home for them and online teaching was able to provide her with that freedom.

During the past year of her business, she struggled with what she wanted to share. She realized that there isn’t just one thing but in fact many things that she wanted to give insight on. Nikki says this is where her Naptime Empires Podcast is coming full circle (8:00).

She discovered that the number one issue people struggled with was their copy. With one-on-one sessions, Nikki is able to help business owners become clear on their voice, both verbally and in writing. (17:00)

“People were obviously struggling with their writing; it was clear that the About Page (on their website) was the number one focus.” (17:35)

How Nikki designed a course where she developed page-by-page and step-by-step recipes for building each page of a website (19:58).

When working with clients, the biggest pain point or struggle that Nikki sees with her clients is being afraid to show who they really are (24:40).

Nikki says that you need to be yourself online, and you are able to better connect with your audience when you are in your authenticity.

“Whether you are having a good hair day or not, share yourself and your realness!” (40:40)

“Authenticity is owning all of us, and owning that, the good the bad and the ugly.” (44:44)


You can find Nikki online at:
Naptime Empires Podcast
Course About Copy 
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

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  1. Jennifer says:

    Hey Jenna! Thank you for putting information like this together! Great work and I love following you to see where and what you are up to next! Hope you are having fun on your vacation!! Best, Jennifer



Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).  One of my favorite places to be is here, sharing what I'm learning with you. I'm glad you're here!



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