Dear Me: Ten Years Ago

January 20, 2014


Dear 15 year old Jenna,

I am writing to you because I wish I could have reached you when you were this age. I am sure you would love to know what you will be like in 10 years, who you would marry, and what your profession would be. I want to tell you not to worry, that life always has a way of working out and that God’s plan is much mightier than your own. I also want to let you know that you never stopped loving carbs… and now that it’s legal, you really like wine. (Like really, reeealllyy) Coffee is your future savior and you don’t have to make it half cream and sugar to suck it down and feel cool. Trust me, black coffee isn’t as bad as you think.

I want to tell you that what you think matters most doesn’t: like prom dresses, cars, and boys. Oh, those boys who you text good night to – they won’t matter down the road and chances are you will forget their names. Stop worrying about meeting your husband and focus on your friends that matter, for real, you won’t marry anyone from your small little town anyways. I want to tell you that it’s okay that you are flat chested and have dark eyebrows, someday you’ll realize that boobs really aren’t that great and you’ll wish you were back to that sweet A-cup that you so awkwardly hate. I wish you could know that the material things really don’t matter and that your rusty Oldsmobile with the plush blue seats is probably comfier than your friends new Saturn, anyway. Lindsay Lohan isn’t as cool as you think, she goes off the deep end , find someone else to idolize. I want to tell you that you will never regret that fact that you wore sweat pants to school everyday, comfort is still key, my love. (I am wearing sweats as I write to you, some things never will change.)


I want you to know that kindness is key and that everyones journey is beautiful. I wish you would reach out to those who may be hurting and wouldn’t worry so much about what people think. Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter – write that down, it’s important. If I could slap you on the wrist I would for being such a drama queen to your parents, they worked hard to get you where you are and they made a lot of sacrifices for you to do what you love… someday you will get it and at least it won’t be to late to tell them “thank you” when you realize it. Cleaning limos won’t be your job forever and someday you’ll forget about the fact that you put a limo into the ditch before you got your license – you may even laugh at the memory. Take every chance you get to spend time with your family, you’ll find that the older you get the more those moments are fleeting and you’ll wish you didn’t skip family camping trips to go to a movie with your friends.

Please stop believing that every article of clothing that you wear must be Abercrombie and Fitch, it doesn’t make you any cooler and someday you’ll think you were a fool for spending $50 on a teeshirt. You’re AOL Instant Messenger profile doesn’t matter and no one will remember your emo away messages – instead of focusing on the new screen name you want to nab, get outside and enjoy Duluth. I know, I know, “there’s nothing to do in that city” but you are quite wrong and someday you will miss living so close to Lake Superior. Technology will change and instead of playing “snake” on your Nokia, you will be in a world where people’s phones are glued to their hands. Enjoy the fact that this isn’t true now. Be nice to your siblings, you will realize that they are some of the most influential and inspiring people you will meet. Blood is thicker than water, enjoy living under one roof and realize that sharing a bedroom really isn’t the worst thing in the world, you’ll miss pillow talk with your sister someday – trust me. Stop tweezing your eyebrows into upside down Nike swooshes, it isn’t becoming on anyone… seriously, just stop. Also, you aren’t fat, so stop thinking of that. Your 25 year old self wants to hit you in the face with a chair…

I wish I had some major words of wisdom for you, something profound, but I don’t. I won’t warn you of the mistakes you’ll make or tell you take a different path because the choices you make today, the person you are and will be, that is what got us here today. Don’t worry so much about being perfect, get out and adventure, and be kind. Your decisions will lead you into a beautiful life. One that holds a beautiful love story, a warm home, two rescue pups, an amazing husband (who happens to be super hot, don’t worry!), a healthy family, and a job you are obsessed with which includes this little blog here where I share my life and photos. (You probably don’t even know what a blog is, don’t worry, times will change and you’ll stay current on technology… MSN Messenger will be long gone, hard to believe it but it’s true.)


Love always,


(Aged 25 and one half years.)





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  1. Mande Calhoun says:

    Love this! Considering doing the same to my 15 year old self. Loved reading it!

  2. Jessica Klein says:

    Yes yes yes!!

  3. Kathryn Singh says:

    I love this so much, thank you!

  4. Miranda Knudson says:

    Jenna, this is the most beautiful and honest letter I have ever written. There are so many things that I relate to, and although we have a couple year age-gap, I am typing this in tears because you said everything I have ever wanted to tell myself at all ages. Having gone through heartbreak recently, I sometimes get lost in the worry; just like the 15-year-old you write about. Reading this tonight gives me hope that I am not alone in feeling that way, and I have never been. Thank you.



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