5 Things Every NEW Entrepreneur Needs

Jenna Kutcher 

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October 20, 2017


I get it, being a new entrepreneur is straight up intimidating: where do you even begin? How do you start? Where do you invest? I get it. I remember it all too well and there’s an overwhelming amount of brand new businesses out there asking these same questions. My mission? To remove the fear and instill confidence with the right steps laid out for ya (so you can stop Googling EVERYTHING.) As I chat, teach, and pour into these dreamers, it has me a bit nostalgic about what it was like starting a business. Those early days of being so overwhelmed by everything you should be doing and having a hard time prioritizing your next steps. So today I want to talk to you sweet new business owner and share 5 things I believe you should be focusing on today. Thank you to American Express for sponsoring this post!

A Brand Centered on Client Experience

Now, if you’ve been around here for awhile or have been tuning in to the podcast, you know I’m not talking about a logo or colors or design here. I’m talking about creating a client experience centered around serving your ideal clients in a way that gets them talking about you and your business.

What touch point opportunities are there for you to go the extra mile, show them you understand and meet their needs? How are you creating an experience that eliminates the price question because your clients KNOW with confidence that YOU are the only person they can choose? It’s not about over-the-top gifting or perfect packages but more so creating an experience that allows you to shine and turns your clients into raving fans!

Accountability and Support

Trust me when I say I understand the urge to power through and do it all yourself. It’s your business and you’ll roll those sleeves up and get it done you super woman you. Can I tell you something though? Super woman is a comic. She’s not real. And outsourcing doesn’t have to look like a huge team of full time employees dedicated to helping you build your business. Letting go of the grip I had on my business started really small and I got creative in looking for ways to get support in my business (and life!).

Do you have a small project someone could take off your plate for a small cost? Are dinners stressing you out and just one more thing to have to plan and shop for? Consider a meal or grocery delivery service. Maybe it’s hiring a cleaning lady or swapping watching kids with a friend to free up some of your time. Or maybe support simply looks like connecting with other like minded businesses. Whatever it is shift your mindset now to one that allows you to accept help. Saying yes to doing everything in your business often means consequently saying no to something that is actually more important to you.

Establishing Workflows and Systems

Look, I want you working smarter not harder. Don’t believe the lie that you need to be hustling day and night stretching yourself super thin to make it in your business. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in hard work – but I believe in working smarter more. What this looks like for new businesses is creating workflows and systems from the beginning.

How can you create templates or automate pieces of your business to not just free up your time but to create a consistent, repeatable process so you don’t feel like you’re constantly turning your wheels and exhausting yourself in the process? When you can start to see trends and craft thoughtful responses and reminder, when you can create resources that answer your clients biggest questions (before they ask them) and show up in an act of service without creating MORE work for yourself? That, my friends, is the sweet spot.

Always Invest in Yourself

As creative business owners, our craft is our passion and we easily and effortlessly invest our time in honing in on those skills. We will be highly motivated to improve our craft because it’s something we love. But the truth is, there are so many hats we must wear as business owners and it’s so important we invest time into developing the skills it takes to stay in business. In my opinion, learning the business side of things is the best investment you can make in terms of your time. You can (and will) learn the art. But learning the processes and strategies that keep you in business is a little more difficult and should be where you focus your energy. Whether that’s reading a book, listening to a podcast, enrolling in a course or attending a workshop, make this a priority for you and your business.

Just. Take. Action.

Say it with me: Done is better than perfect. If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that action is one of the most important components of a successful business. You guys know I believe in running a business debt free, but I more strongly believe in taking action. I believe getting the right things in place for your business at the beginning whether that’s education, a website, outsourcing or whatever else you need to get off the ground is often necessary. When my business grew, I got an American Express Blue Business  Plus credit card. This gives me more spending power along with some pretty awesome perks like double the points, travel rewards, 0% interest for the first 15 months and no annual fee and partnerships. Finding a card that has the best perks that helps move you forward as an entrepreneur can make a giant difference.

Don’t fall victim to analysis paralysis or let fear take over. At the end of the day, the businesses that take action, make mistakes and pick themselves up again are the ones that are going to go places.

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Before you get any further... Hi! I'm Jenna Kutcher!

A small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world. I'm glad you're here.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life). 

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